Suggestion 1
I greatly appreciate the improvements being made to the GSP southbound around exit 140. One consequence of this work has been a significant slowdown of traffic every work day. I believe this is due to drivers being confused around the GSP/Route 22 interchange. Drivers do not understand that the number 3 lane, far right, will allow them to stay on the GSP south. Additional signage, including on-pavement markings, would significantly ease the recent traffic congestion.
The Garden State Parkway right lane splits just north of Interchange 141 for Vauxhall RD There are presently several signs that indicate the right lane is for exiting traffic at interchanges 140A and 140B, but also that the right lane continues south on the Garden State Parkway. Additional signage will be installed just south of interchange 141 to reinforce that all lanes are through lanes for the Garden State Parkway south.
Suggestion 2
The Garden State Parkway northbound thru lanes and exiting lanes approaching Interchanges 139A, 139B, and 140 are designated by signs and by traffic markings on the pavement in the exiting lane for Interchange 140. The extra wide right shoulder during construction is identified with white diagonal hash marks to alert drivers that it is not a travel lane.
I'm reaching out due to concerns about the recent change in traffic pattern on GSP North near the Chestnut Street and Rt. 22E exits in Union. The markings on the road are incredibly unclear and drivers are beyond confused on lanes vs shoulder and on which way to go in general. I have witnessed several near miss accidents because the traffic pattern isn't clear, which has also caused terrible traffic jams. There has to be another way to make the road safe while still achieving your goals as you work on the road. Please make the road markings clearer for those riders exiting at Rt. 22E and Chestnut Street before people are badly affected.